
Our Programs

  • We have preschool programming during the Fall and Spring semesters for children 18-months (by September 1) to transitional kindergarten. School runs from 9am until 1pm– so you can get your little one home for nap time. We have 1-4 day programs available:

    Each class participates in weekly chapel and motor movement. We have a developmental specialist on staff to help meet each child’s unique needs. The Early Learning Program has the largest playground in the Woodlands with outdoor classroom teachers who provide additional learning opportunities for art, science, spiritual and motor development. We offer several extensive special event experiences to cultivate community for our families (Rodeo, Snow Day, Back to Bethlehem, etc.) annually.

    ELP welcomes all children regardless of background or ability. We accept children with learning differences who are ready for an inclusion experience and will work with you and your child’s therapist to help provide a rich learning environment. We do not offer therapy services.

  • The Transitional Kindergarten program at ELP provides children with the opportunity to learn in an enriching Christian and academic environment that natures their growth. Research shows that children who attend kindergarten readiness programs like TK are more likely to do well, not just in kindergarten, but beyond. Children with this strong foundation are also more likely to attend college.

    Ultimately, the goal of TK is to provide children with a developmentally appropriate curriculum that integrates math, language and literacy development, social emotional skills, fine and gross motor skills into a playful learning activities that engage the whole child.􀀬

    Our TK class meets Tuesday - Friday from 9am - 1pm. The STEAM Science class day may be added􀀧on Mondays. The class has 2 teachers and a maximum of 16 students.􀀃The TK class if for children who have completed a Pre-Kindergarten program or by invitation.

    Check out a recent Toucan Newsletter􀀬!􀀫 􀀪􀀵􀀲 􀀺 􀀷􀀫 􀀑 􀀃􀀵􀀨 􀀶 􀀨􀀤􀀵 􀀦 􀀫􀀃􀀶 􀀫􀀲 􀀺 􀀶􀀃􀀷􀀫 􀀤 􀀷 􀀦 􀀫􀀬􀀯􀀧􀀵􀀨 􀀱􀀃 􀀺􀀫 􀀲􀀃􀀤􀀷 􀀷 􀀨􀀱 􀀧 􀀃 􀀮􀀬 􀀱􀀧􀀨 􀀵􀀪 􀀤 􀀵 􀀷 􀀨􀀱 􀀃 􀀵 􀀨 􀀤 􀀧􀀬􀀱 􀀨􀀶 􀀶 􀀳 􀀵 􀀲􀀪 􀀵􀀤􀀰 􀀶 􀀃 􀀯 􀀬 􀀮􀀨 􀀃 􀀷 􀀑􀀮 􀀑 􀀃 􀀤􀀵􀀨 􀀃 􀀰 􀀲􀀵 􀀨􀀃 􀀯􀀬􀀮 􀀨 􀀯 􀀼 􀀃 􀀷 􀀲􀀃􀀧 􀀲 􀀃 􀀺􀀨 􀀯􀀯􀀃􀀬􀀱 􀀶 􀀦􀀫 􀀲 􀀲 􀀯 􀀃 􀀉 􀀃 􀀤 􀀷􀀷􀀨 􀀱􀀧 􀀃􀀦􀀲 􀀯 􀀯􀀨 􀀪􀀨 􀀑􀀃􀀨 􀀑􀀯􀀑 􀀳􀀑 􀄃 􀀶 􀀃 􀀦􀀯 􀀤 􀀶􀀶 􀀃 􀀶 􀀬 􀀽 􀀨 􀀃 􀀬􀀶􀀃􀀤 􀀵􀀤􀀷􀀬 􀀲􀀃 􀀲 􀀩 􀀃􀀔 􀀙 􀀃 􀀶􀀷􀀸 􀀧 􀀨􀀱 􀀷􀀶􀀃􀀷 􀀲􀀃 􀀕􀀃􀀷􀀨 􀀤 􀀦 􀀫􀀨 􀀵􀀶 􀀃 􀀺 􀀫􀀬 􀀦 􀀫 􀀃 􀀤 􀀯 􀀯􀀲 􀀺􀀶 􀀷 􀀨􀀤􀀦 􀀫 􀀨 􀀵 􀀶 􀀃 􀀷􀀲 􀀃 􀀳 􀀵 􀀲􀀹 􀀬􀀧 􀀨 􀀃 􀀨 􀀻 􀀷 􀀵 􀀤 􀀃 􀀯 􀀲 􀀹 􀀬 􀀱 􀀪􀀃􀀦 􀀤 􀀵 􀀨 􀀃 􀀷􀀲 􀀃 􀀷 􀀫􀀨 􀀬 􀀵 􀀶􀀷 􀀸 􀀧􀀨 􀀱􀀷􀀶 􀀃 􀀉 􀀃 􀀦􀀯 􀀤 􀀶 􀀶 􀀵 􀀲􀀲 􀀰 􀀑 􀀃 􀀸􀀯􀀷􀀬 􀀰 􀀤 􀀷 􀀨􀀯􀀼 􀀏􀀃 􀀷􀀫 􀀨􀀃􀀪 􀀲􀀤 􀀯􀀃 􀀲 􀀩􀀃􀀷􀀑􀀮 􀀑􀀃􀀬􀀶 􀀃􀀷 􀀲 􀀃􀀳 􀀵􀀲 􀀹 􀀬 􀀧 􀀨􀀃􀀦 􀀫 􀀬 􀀯􀀧 􀀵􀀨 􀀱 􀀺􀀬􀀷 􀀫􀀃􀀤􀀃 􀀧􀀨 􀀹􀀨 􀀯􀀲 􀀳􀀰 􀀨 􀀱 􀀷 􀀤 􀀯 􀀯􀀼􀀃􀀤􀀳 􀀳 􀀵 􀀲􀀳 􀀵 􀀬 􀀤 􀀷 􀀨􀀏􀀃􀀳 􀀯􀀤􀀼􀀐 􀀥 􀀤 􀀶􀀨 􀀧 􀀦 􀀸 􀀵 􀀵􀀬 􀀦􀀸 􀀯􀀸 􀀰 􀀃 􀀷􀀫 􀀤 􀀷 􀀃 􀀬 􀀱 􀀷 􀀨􀀪 􀀵 􀀤 􀀷 􀀨􀀶 􀀃􀀰 􀀤 􀀷 􀀫􀀏 􀀃􀀯􀀤􀀱 􀀪􀀸 􀀤 􀀪 􀀨 􀀃 􀀤 􀀱􀀧 􀀯 􀀬 􀀷 􀀨􀀵 􀀤 􀀦 􀀼 􀀃 􀀧 􀀨􀀹 􀀨􀀯 􀀲􀀳 􀀰􀀨􀀱 􀀷􀀏􀀃􀀶 􀀲 􀀦 􀀬 􀀤 􀀯 􀀃 􀀨 􀀰􀀲 􀀷 􀀬􀀲 􀀱􀀤􀀯􀀃 􀀶􀀮 􀀬 􀀯 􀀯 􀀶 􀀏 􀀩 􀀬 􀀱 􀀨 􀀃 􀀤 􀀱 􀀧 􀀃 􀀪􀀵 􀀲 􀀶 􀀶􀀃 􀀰􀀲 􀀷 􀀲 􀀵􀀃􀀶 􀀮 􀀬 􀀯 􀀯 􀀶 􀀏 􀀃 􀀉􀀃 􀀨􀀱 􀀪 􀀯􀀬 􀀶 􀀫􀀃 􀀯􀀤􀀱 􀀪􀀸 􀀤 􀀪􀀨 􀀧􀀨 􀀹􀀨 􀀯􀀲 􀀳􀀰 􀀨

  • Join us at The Early Learning Program for our exciting new kindergarten and 1st grade enrichment program! This class can be a great additional resource for families who are homeschooling or enrolled in a hybrid school program. We will learn about world cultures, languages, famous artists, science and more! Each month will include dramatic play, motor movement classes, sensory play, circle time, and outdoor learning on The Woodlands best playground! We are a fostering Christian preschool that knows children of all ages benefit from learning in an experience based, playful environment where they are safe to explore, create, and socially connect.

    This class meets on Mondays from 9am - 1pm. The class will cap at 16 students and be taught by 2 teachers.

  • A science based, hands on program full of play based activities that provide the children with opportunities for creative expression, cooperative planning, and individual growth. Every lesson includes a connection to God and His world we are discovering. STEAM meets either Monday or Friday 9am - 1pm and is offered tp Pre-Kindergarten, Transition or Homeschooled students.The minimum age to attend STEAM is 4 years old by September 1st of the school year.

    Check out the STEAM Newsletter for a glimpse of their month!

  • A 3 day summer program offering children an opportunity to learning more about the wonder of nature and God’s world. Past topics include “Bouyancy and Pirates”, “Super Heroes and Forces” and “Dragons and Engineering”. This class is offered only to ELP students who recently completed Pre-K 3’s, Pre-K 4’s or Transitional Kindergarten. More information is available in March.

2025 - 26 School Year Registration and Information

Preschool Schedules

  • 1 day/week for 18 month olds though 2-year olds

  • 1-2 day/week for 2-year olds

  • 2-3 days/week for 3-year olds

  • 2-3 days for 4-year olds

  • 4 days for Transitional Kindergarten

  • 1 day STEAM enrichment class for Pre-K and Transitional Kindergarten students

  • 1 day enrichment class for Kindergarten and 1st grade home hybrid school students.

Schedule and Pricing Details - 2025-26

Registration Form for 2025-26

Come Say Hello!

We would love to show you our special space and inspiring learning environment. Tours are Wednesdays and Fridays at 9:30am. We recommend your child tours with you if possible as they are an important decision maker! Arrangements may be made for additional appointment times.